Archive | August 2014

Swimming in Oblivion

Treading water here to try to come up with the balance that I owe the L.A. Department of Water and Power (I made a $42.00 payment a few days ago) but so far all I’m getting is waterlogged. Money coming in next week but that does me no good today, the cut-off day. 


Today is D-Day, as in L.A. Department of Water and Power day. Yesterday I paid $42.00 on a pre-arranged payment of $142.00 and another small payment but now I am shy of fifty bucks to keep the lights and water turned on … never mind the fact that SoCal Gas shut me off in mid-February and I’ve had no hot water since then, nor a shower, just sponge baths in the sink. 

Some Nerve …

I am back online …  at least for the next seven days. Last Thursday a Time-Warner field tech appeared at my door with a work order to either seize my desktop modem or collect $71.24 for past due billing; but upon witnessing the scar upon my neck and the cane that I use to keep from falling down he was eager to work with me. The bottom line is I was able to hand him a post-dated check for the aforementioned amount in the form of a check postdated for August 18.


In the meanwhile, I need to make the second of three payments to the L.A. Department of Water and Power in the amount of $142.00 by this Friday, August 15, or it’s lights out.


I saw my neurologist on Thursday for my first post-surgical follow-up. I will not need another brain scan until the end of September. It turns out that the numbness in my incision scar may never vanish because, he said, a nerve had to be severed in order to access my carotid artery.